Dump Fish Oil, Go for Phytoplankton
Omega-3 fatty acids support the immune system and cognitive function. They’re also good for heart, skin and joint health.
Omega-3s can also help reduce inflammation in the body, minimizing the risk chronic disease but fish oils oxidize when exposed to oxygen. This actually increases inflammation in your dog. Fish contain mercury and other heavy metals, PCBs and other toxins and Pacific fish are suffering from the effects of radiation. These toxins all get passed to your dog and outweigh any benefits from the omega-3 fats. And fish oil is not sustainable and creates dead zones in our oceans.
Phytoplankton contains the Omega-3 essential fatty acids DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). And it contains nearly double the amount of omega-3 fats by weight as fish oil.
Phytoplankton are tiny, microscopic plants that are the base of the food chain in the ocean. All ocean life depends on phytoplankton.
Phytoplankton is one of the most valuable sources of nutrition on earth. It’s incredibly high in nutrition and health benefits. And when it comes to our dog’s health, phytoplankton isn’t just any old seaweed … this stuff is seriously potent.
Phytoplankton are single-celled organisms that contain nearly every nutrient your dog needs. Its whole nutrition fuels the entire ocean and it can fuel your dog with:
Essential fatty acids
Trace minerals
Essential amino acids
Giving your dog even the tiniest amounts of phytoplankton can boost his health. And as researchers are finding out, it fights cancer and other diseases too.
Source: https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/5-reasons-your-dog-needs-phytoplankton/
For Small Dog = 1 Gram ( 1/2 teaspoon) per day For Medium Dog = 2 Grams per day For Large Dog = 3 Grams per day But I suggest start with small amount and gradually work up to the recommended amount.
How much to give?