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"Colloidal Silver" has been used for over 125 years in countless applications, and encompasses a wide variety of silver products. Many products contain (claimed or unclaimed) salts, proteins, compounds or stabilizers - all of which affect silver's safety (elimination from the body) and efficacy.

Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol represents the ultimate refinement of the colloidal silver category. It contains greater than 98% bio-active silver in pharmaceutical-grade purified water. Nothing else. Our unique silver species, a mixture of silver ions and silver nanoclusters, with a verified and unmatched particle size, remains in its most active state for use within the body.


Don't look elsewhere, Holistic Paw's Silver Hydrosol offers the safest and most effective concentration.


Possible Uses:


When colloidal silver is turned into a mist by using a nebulizer, it can be used to treat certain respiratory problems such as pneumonia, bronchitis, and asthma.


Colloidal silver can be used to treat eye problems, such as inflammation and infection. It is painless, so colloidal silver drops can be applied directly to your dog’s eyes.


Topically, colloidal silver can be used for wounds, burns, and infections such as ringworm. It has a soothing effect that repairs tissues.


Colloidal silver drops applied directly to a dog’s ears can fight off ear infections.


Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic for dogs and can be used to fight any viral, bacterial, or fungal infection. It can also be used as a preventative measure.

Colloidal Silver Spray 10ppm 29ml

  • 99.999% pure silver and pharmaceutical-grade purified water. Plus, it’s packaged in a non-leaching amber glass bottles to further preserve purity throughout its shelf life.

  • Only silver that is postively charged is of use to the body. Most colloidal silvers contain only 10% of charged silver.
    Holistc Paw's Silver contains >98% positively charged silver ions and silver nanoclusters, making it much more powerful, safer*, and a better value than other brands.

    Like an hourglass filled with sand compared to an hourglass filed with gravel, the smaller the particle size, the easier it is for the body to absorb and eliminate. Holistc Paw's Silver features an unprecendented particle size as small as 0.8 nanometers

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